The Animal Justice Party believes that treating animals as resources is not only morally wrong but reduces human well-being. We believe compassion and fairness must be core economic principles. In the major political parties, these concepts run a distant second to productivity and growth.
Humans who are unhappy in their life have lower productivity. They also see less opportunities for economic advancement and are conservative in their economic behaviour. It’s also true that positive human engagement with animals of any species makes humans feel good about themselves and more positive toward others. This is important in building an emotionally stronger, wiser, respectful, compassionate and healthier community.
Key Objectives
- To end the provision of subsidies, grants and taxation benefits to industries which exploit animals. We would prioritise these changes to begin with the following industries: live animal export, commercial and non-commercial wildlife slaughter and intensive animal agriculture.
- To provide tax deductible status for not-for-profit animal welfare organisations.
- To introduce a tax on animal products commensurate with their adverse environmental and health impacts.
- To establish a national sovereign wealth fund, like the Future Fund that provides funding to allow scientists and farmers to shift from using animals to innovative new technologies and plant based products.
- To ensure that Australians have the choice to invest their savings in banking and superannuation products that promote animal welfare.
- To support wildlife tourism, already a huge contributor to our GDP, while closing down industries and activities which harm wildlife.
- To increase the availability of assistance animals within our health and welfare system, while ensuring that these relationships are of mutual benefit.
- To ensure that workers can use carers leave to care for companion animals.
- To encourage appropriate workplaces to allow animals at work.
- To fund innovative projects from volunteer organisations that encourage animal wellbeing.